Providing suitable solutions for various industries using modern technology

NeoSoft with years of experience is now capable of implementing these technologies in two main sections for your software development needs:
Back-End: .NET, Java, Python, Node js
Front-End: JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue js
NeoSoft offers different solutions to industrial owners according to their needs. Providing CRM and ERP services or providing e-commerce services are part of these solutions.

AI chatbots

We design AI Chatbots for faster and more helpful, customer service.

Robots with artificial intelligence improve response times and customer satisfaction.

Remote servicing

to keep an eye on how things are working.

The sales process is completed when the customer is satisfied with the service and support.

Live video consultations

To have one-to-one customer services.

Improving the quality level of support services using modern technology and video communication with the customer.