Providing exclusive solutions to industrial owners along with consulting and needs assessment

During these years, NeoSoft has had an attractive cooperation with various industries and has been able to identify the needs of these industries and provide suitable solutions for each.
The development of exclusive industrial software is considered as one of the main services of NeoSoft. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and working with a qualified staff has set us apart from the competition.
Various industries are among Neosoft's customers. Over the past years, we have been able to have a good cooperation with the transportation, e-commerce, hospitals, and automotive industries. The design of ERP platforms, CRM, dedicated websites and management dashboards has been a part of these services.

Manufacturing Solutions

Get Rid of Wasteful Manufacturing Business Processes

The experts at NeoSoft will analyze your business processes and provide you with solid IT solutions to increase productivity.

Banking Solutions

Development of Professional Software for Certain Banking Needs

NeoSoft collaborates with both corporate and retail banks to create banking solutions that are well-suited to their needs.

IT Solutions for T&L

Digital Transformation in Logistics and Transportation Operations

NeoSoft has offered the transportation and logistics (T&L) sector specialized IT solutions and services.